List of all the Quotes on the site
'Quotes of the day' appear randomly at the top of the site next to the title and usually refer to a quote or amusing reference from the PCRC.
Well, it keeps us entertained at least...
Said by bob_hunk enthusiastically when he found out that the PCRC might help him with eldar army related rehab / rash
Another phrase from my decidely warped imagination....
Say this in front of a mirror three times. We dare you....
LordBloodTheHungry's biting comment regarding the "balanced" nature of Apocalypse/Heavy Assault 40K games
Coined during a discussion over the futility of trying to apply real-world military logic to the war-torn 41st millenium
Sage advice from Omricon, regarding the Antona Australis System. Perhaps God should have born this in mind when he created the humble Platypus. On the other hand, given that the humble platypus has no natural predators, because it killed every last one of them, perhaps this is proof that even God can get hangovers.
Everbody likes Faramir right?
EDIT: Someone has added this already, possibly delete the one that gives away Stuntwedges true name?
Comment made by me after a debached game of Pub Golf in Tunbridge Wells in the company of Apologist and friends.
Seriously, no-one thinks leet-speak is cool.
This includes text-speak.
*Shakes fist*
Phrase: to lose control of one's bladder with glee – generally on confirmation of a hitherto unlikely GW rumour.
Generic taunt on being attacked in a computer game, from Lucifer216's original bored massacre of Stuntwedge's sneaky attack.
Arose due to the awesome button-activated sliding doors of our hire car to Dark Stars Sep: 2008
See here at 26:12 and 29:52
As in "This conversation is over..." when things get too wierd
In my case, in any RTS game, Lucifer216 was always in MY base, killing MY men.
Refers to the PCRC's name, in that we are all addicted to buying little plastic soldiers.