The showcase gallery highlights the best of the PCRC's miniature collection. You'll find painted armies, custom sculpts and individual models.
House Nestis
by Lucifer216
House Temporis
Hive Fleet Kraken
Court of the Sun King
The Retribution Index: Alpha Legion
Lambs World XXVII
Imperial Fists – Tallarn Campaign
Praetors of Calth: Ultramarines
Team Fisto - Heresy-era Imperial Fists
Gatrog Nurgle's Cavalcade of Decay
Miscellaneous Miniatures
Nuzzgrond's Shooty Boyz
Hunter Cadre Hun'k
Deathwing Task Force 'Vengeful Blade'
The Burning of Prospero
Forgeworld Bezoa
The Kings Martial
Lucifer216's Archangels
The Nehekankh – the death which brings life
The Laughter of Thirsting Gods
Legion of Everblight
The 34th Grand Host of Dark Disciple Marduk of the Word Bearers
Animus Dominus - Imperial Warhound Titan
The Stars of Dorn
The Host of Anrakyr the Traveller
The Emperor's Hawks Space Marine Chapter
Hive Fleet Antona
Hunter Cadre Shas'ka Nan
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