Antona Australis Sector
Thought for the day:
There are two sides to every argument: the right and the wrong
Military Forces
Notable Conflicts
Dramatis Personae
Update from the front
Locuto-scribe +++
Transcription datum +++ Wed, 2014-01-08 23:10
+ Ibsen 14th Infantry reported wiped out...
+ Ibsen 14th Infantry reported wiped out by Karnak's Stikkas during abortive landings on Oligorkia. +
All updates from the front:
+ Liminal Secondary: All men and women o...
+ Reports emerge from Port Wicc: Tau for...
+ Ishilites spearhead drive into North-e...
+ Staunch defence of the township of Spi...
+ Warhound Actus Sanctorum of the Legio ...
+ Chief Judge Droll investigates rumours...
+ Long-range Raven Guard shipping reconn...
+ Elements of Astartes Chapter 'Ishilite...
+ The traitorous governor +REDACTED+ is ...
+ Imperial Navy craft, led by Astartes v...
+ Ork machineries of destructions grow i...
+ Reports of shadowy starcraft prompt ru...
+ Captain Venator of the Blood Angels 8t...
+ Orks reassert dominance on Beginner's ...
+ The Bloodeater King broadcasts a chall...
+ The Gothic class Cruiser 'Unkillable' ...
+ A group of Saiadhrim Watchknights hold...
+ Warband designate 'Kilkart's Krushin' ...
+ Fresh from the forges, the newly-creat...
+ Imperial Guard elements of the Grovsen...
+ The Selenian 1st Abhuman regiment are ...
+ Arkan Istraufel of the Ishilites has b...
+ The Shooty Boyz Tribe drives off a det...
+ Ork forces continue to swell as tribes...
+ On the eve of the second year of the w...
+ Minor - but notable - increases in Ork...
+ The Novamarine serf-frigate 'Cataclysm...
+ The Hag's World Irregulars report firs...
+ The Half-Moon Marauders send the Stort...
+ Elements of the Iocastan 14th Infantry...
"One day after all this is done I want t...
+ The Scarlet Blades lead the Clearances...
+ Progress on the Grovsenor Front has be...
+ The frigate 'Folly of Compromise', inv...
+ As the first year of the campaign draw...
+ The Big Bruvvas fall back in defeat fr...
+ Victory on Birch! Master Thunderbolt o...
+ Three Cibernum Alpha Pioneer Regiments...
+ Ork reinforcements swell Da Golden Hor...
+ Heavily-armoured ork infantry identifi...
+ Commissarial recruitment begins in ear...
+ Fighting thickens in the Genyx system ...
+ Hails are received from a Raven Guard ...
+ Battlegroup Mensa makes successful pla...
+ The Emperor's Hawks battlebarge 'Aviar...
+ The transport ship 'Rocinante' is lost...
+ Astartes Pledge-ships lead the Grovsen...
+ Admiral d'Yrbium sends his commendatio...
+ Elements of the Hyperion Front Purge F...
+ "The Cell of Revulsion will be in rang...
+ Star-Colonel D'arby of the embattled G...
+ Mobilised to intercept an ork airborne...
+ Ibsen 14th Infantry reported wiped out...
+ Trooper Falt of the Aviar IV Armoured ...