Notable Location
A minor ork -held system first identified by Imperial navigation in the first year of the Fourth Great Purge.
Neemyou – a colourful planet marked by its open dusty savannah and its interesting ecosystem. Avian creatures dominate every ecological niche, from giant predators to insect-sized pollen-feeders. The ork presence here is mainly made up of disparate feral tribes.
Urartu – Three regiments from the Grovsenor Purge Fleet were lost to orbital bombardment by the Stormtroopas' infamous spacecraft, the Cell of Revulsion, following an abortive invasion. Depopulated of both invaders and the native orks, the planet took no further part in the war; but became a symbol of the savagery of the orks.
Iskendrun – Distant from the star, Iskendrun is a frozen world of ice and snow. It marks the most rimwards major ork-held world, and was an important staging post for the Fourth Great Purge. Beyond this point is the great Gulf of Iskendrun.
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