Notable Location
Skarbad's Star
Skarbad's Star is a red giant lodged deep in the heart of the Scallop Stars. Who Skarbad was is lost to the sands of time, but the star bears his name to this day. The system's many planets and moons teem with Orkoid life. Technically Skarbad's Star is a vassel system of Og Nuzzground and its Warlord, although how this works in practise is open to interrpetation. As long as the largest tribes of the system send the Blood Axe Kaptin an occassional tribute of boyz or gunz and so long as none of the Skarbad's Star Warbosses get "too big fur der bootz" then he is happy to leave them to their own devices.
Waazvrum is home to many tribes of Evil Sunz biker boyz and speed freakz. These speed obsessed Orks make great use of Waazvrum's rolling plains to stage great long distance races and brutal demolition derbies. The Evil Sunz are a clan that is surprisingly under-represented in the sector, and some whisper that the Orks of Waazvrum aren't proper Evil Sunz but a bunch of outkast bad Ork biker boyz. They however claim that they are "legit".
Big Hitta is a high gravity 'super-Earth'. This giant, rocky world breeds particulary tough Goff Skarboyz.
'Da Rok' is an infamous asteroid prison used by Freeboota Kaptins and Warbosses who want to inflict a particulary sadistic punishment on a disabedient underling. Miscreants are dumped on the asteroid from low (or occassionally high) flying Fighta-Bombaz and left to their own devices. There is no escape, but even the toughest Nob shivers at tales of psychotic Orks grown massive in the lawless dark...
Ripoff is a notorious hub for trade in captured 'Umie equipment and has a large population of Deffskullz and Blood Axes who live in shanty towns and walled compounds amongst the bustling markets and crude star ports. It was once an outpost of humanity millenia ago in the Dark Age of Technology, but was never reached by the shining light of the Great Crusade. All the 'umie archeotech has long since been looted or bartered away, and now all the material traded here consists of fresh imports. Kaptin Nuzzgrond occasionally sends a delegation of his most trusted Big Meks to take the pick of the goods as part of his tribute.
Scenario: Raid on Skarbad's Star
[M37.785] Nearly a century has passed since the Orks of the Scallop Stars felt the wrath of Mankind, and across the sector armies are mobilising and fleets are slipping their moorings. But already far ahead of the Imperial war machine the Carcharodons are doing what they do best; silently patrolling the wilderness areas of Imperial space ready to pounce on threats before they can fully emerge. A faint but unusual signal has caught their attention, like a drop of blood in the water. There seems to be an Imperial beacon active somewhere nearby. If the Orks have managed to loot an Astartes locator beacon then they could potentially cause all sorts of havoc by setting all sorts of traps and false trails for the coming crusade. It's clear what needs to be done, the beacon must be pried from the Orks cold, dead fingers!
The mission is 'The Relic' as described in the rulebook, with the following modifications.
- The Relic is deployed in the centre of the board as normal, except that it is also surrounded by an Ork fort.
- Each wall section of the forts counts as an AV11 building with a battlements but no internal transport capacity. The section containing the gates are AV10. Additionally the fort may include a AV11 medium building with battlements as part of the walls.
- The Orks begins the game with a "garrison" of a Big Mek and either 9 Orks and 1 Nob or 10 Grotz and a Runtherd deployed anywhere inside the fort, including in the buildings. These units and their equipment are paid for from the army's total points allowance and are deployed before the Space Marines. The rest of the Ork army arrives using the normal reserve rules from the opposite table edge to the Space Marines (see below).
- The Space Marines pick one of the short edges as their table edge, and deploy their forces up to 6" in. If they have any reserves then they will arrive from this table edge also. Additionally they may treat the Relic as a Locator Beacon.
- The Space Marine player automatically gets the first turn, although the Ork player may attempt to seize the initiative as normal.
- Victory is determined as normal for the Relic mission, i.e. the primary objective is to be in possession of the Relic at the end of the game which earns 3VP. The standard secondary objectives are 1VP each.
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