Notable Location
Redbelly is a bloated crimson star orbited by a system of Ork-held worlds. The Orks of Redbelly owe their allegiance to the Warlord of Og Nuzzgrond, but as long as their yearly tribute is paid in a timely manner then he is happy to leave the day-to-day running of the system to the local Big Bosses.
Burna is a hot barren world of thin dark skies and deep rocky valleys. Giant pterosaurs swoop on the thermal rising from the cavern walls, and a few intrepid Orks have managed to train these beasts as mounts. Occasionaly vast swathes of the planet's deserts will be fused to glass by massive solar flares ejected from Redbelly. At these times the only place to seek refuge from the plasma storms are in the depths of the valleys, so this is where most of the Ork settlements are built.
Scrapopilis is a cross between a hive world and a massive junkyard. Ork gangs and tribes fight a constant battle for territory and scrap to trade with the thriving Mek community in exchange for better weapons so they can claim more territory and more scrap... There are no Big Bosses on Scrapopilis; as soon as a Nob gets too big for his boots he is immediately put down by an uneasy alliance of warbands from the surrounding scrap-spires.
Naa is surrounded by a vast and unstable ring of wrecked Ork cruisers and warships. The battle - and Naa's original name - are long forgotten, and the world is virtually uninhabited. Looting or even navigating the debris field is highly dangerous due to the wreck's unstable orbits, and the irregular impacts of burning metal asteroids keep the shroud under a permanent 'nuclear winter'.
Gork's (or possibly Mork's) Eye is a sickly yellow gas giant. A near-permanent black cyclone that orbits the equator gives the impression that the world is actually a giant eyeball. The planet has numerous moons, many of which are habitable. The larger moons are home to several Stormboy Trainin' Kampz. These facilities are far more loyal to the Warlord of Og Nuzzgrond than most settlements in the system, and sometimes even act as his unofficial enforcers.
Fugushold is riddled with caverns that support an extensive and diverse Orkosystem of bioluminescent fungii and albino snotlings. The special medicinal properties of these mushrooms are well known, and several 'Bad Dokz' ply their trade from bases here.
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