Antona Australis Sector
Thought for the day:
Never attribute to error that which can be attributed to the Xeno
Military Forces
Notable Conflicts
Dramatis Personae
Notable Military Force
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Transcription datum +++ Mon, 2013-03-18 13:55
Order of the Unvanquished Night
Sororitas Order
Notable Military Force
+++Data-incept inloading+++
+++Pending authorisation: Scriptor Warmtamale+++
Conflicts deployed to:
001: A Question of Faith
003: A Line in the Snow
008: Trouble on the Farm
015: Miscommunications
016: Escape from Ravine Nadreg
018: Burn, Beati, Burn
025: Rumour and Deceit
026: The Battle of Four Armies
027: This Town Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us
030: The Battle of a Hundred Woes
031: The Search for Sibley
032: The Fate of Frigia
Notable Characters:
Canoness Ashideena
Confessor Volon