Notable Location

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Planetary System

The Xiphos System

The Xiphos System lies at the crossroads of Imperial might and the shadowed influence of the Vectum Isolation, situated precariously between the Anton Antecedent sub-sector and the dreaded Vectum Isolation. Named after an ancient Terran weapon, the Xiphos System is a place where the sharp edge of Imperial authority clashes with the corrupting taint of Chaos. Four planets orbit the system’s sun, each bearing the scars of this endless conflict. These worlds are crucial to the defense of the Antona Australis sector but are also plagued by the dark influences that seep from the nearby warp rift.


Xiphos Prime is the administrative and military hub of the system, a fortress world designed to safeguard the sector from incursions emerging from the Vectum Isolation. Covered in vast bastion-cities and towering defense networks, it is home to millions of Imperial citizens, Astra Militarum regiments, and Mechanicus enclaves. The skies above Xiphos Prime are often filled with the thunderous roars of warships and the silhouettes of Titans, ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

However, the proximity to the Vectum Isolation has left its mark. The fabric of reality is thin in certain areas, leading to frequent occurrences of warp anomalies and sudden appearances of malevolent entities. The planet’s people have become grim and unyielding, constantly vigilant against the threat of chaos. The ruling Imperial commanders maintain a rigorous regime, ensuring that the population remains loyal, while the Inquisition has a strong presence to root out any signs of corruption.

Morrigan's Rest (pictured)

Morrigan’s Rest is a death world that lies on the edge of the system, its surface covered in dense, twisted forests and mountainous terrain. Named after the Morrigan, an ancient Terran deity associated with death and battle, the planet is shrouded in perpetual twilight. The flora and fauna are deadly, mutated by the lingering touch of the Vectum Isolation’s warp storms. The forests are alive with predatory plants and beasts that defy natural laws, preying on any who dare to tread too far into the wilds.

Despite its hostile environment, Morrigan’s Rest is of strategic importance. Hidden deep within its mountains are ancient, xenos-built vaults that predate human colonization. These vaults are rumored to contain forbidden technologies and artifacts of immense power, drawing the interest of both the Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos warbands alike. Expeditions sent to retrieve these treasures often return empty-handed—or not at all—driven mad by the horrors they encounter.

Cairn's Fall

Cairn’s Fall is a once-thriving agri-world now in decline, its farmlands blighted and its populace dwindling. The planet was once a vital supplier of foodstuffs to the entire sector, but decades of exposure to warp-tainted storms have left it in a state of decay. The land is pockmarked with vast sinkholes and areas of unstable ground, leading to the collapse of entire farming regions. The people of Cairn’s Fall cling to a desperate existence, their once-prosperous world now a shadow of its former self.

The planet’s decline has led to increased desperation among its inhabitants, making them more susceptible to the whispers of Chaos. Cults dedicated to the Ruinous Powers have taken root in the more remote regions, promising salvation or power in exchange for devotion. Imperial forces maintain a tenuous grip on the planet, constantly battling against insurrection and the spread of corruption. Despite the bleakness, Cairn’s Fall remains a key source of sustenance for the system, its remaining farmlands fiercely defended by the local PDF and Imperial Guard.

Dolor's Forge

Dolor’s Forge is the industrial heart of the Xiphos System, a forge world dedicated to producing the weapons and war machines needed to defend the sector. Massive manufactorum complexes dominate the planet’s surface, belching smoke and fire into the atmosphere. The planet is named after Dolor, an ancient word signifying pain and suffering—a fitting name given the relentless toil of the millions of laborers and servitors who work the forges day and night.

The planet’s proximity to the Vectum Isolation has led to an unusual situation. While the majority of the planet remains loyal to the Imperium, certain manufactorums have fallen under the influence of Chaos, their forges now producing corrupted weapons and machinery for dark warbands. These manufactorums operate in secret, hidden within the sprawling industrial landscape, their products smuggled off-world to support Chaos incursions. The Adeptus Mechanicus of Dolor’s Forge engage in a constant internal war, purging corruption whenever it is discovered, but the taint of Chaos is insidious, and the battle for the planet’s soul is far from over.

Strategic Importance

The Xiphos System is a vital bulwark against the encroaching darkness of the Vectum Isolation, serving as a key staging ground for Imperial forces in the region. However, the system’s close proximity to the warp rift means that it is also a prime target for Chaos forces seeking to break through into the heart of the Antona Australis sector. The conflict between Imperial and Chaos forces here is unending, with both sides locked in a brutal struggle for control of the system’s strategic resources and worlds. The fate of the Xiphos System remains uncertain, its future hanging in the balance as the forces of order and chaos clash on its war-torn worlds.

Active Warzone

Dolor's Forge
Cairn's Fall
Morrigan's Rest